Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Howie Carr Uses Other People's Information Without Crediting Source a la Mike Barnicle
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 08:43:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: "In Sanious"
Subject: Howie Carr Reads Our Emails Fwd: Halliburton Harvesting Organs of Dead Soldiers and Dead Iraqis?
Anyone hear Howie Carr mention the harvesting of Iraqi
organs yesterday?
Glad to see he is reading these e mails; maybe someday
he will quit his Mike Barnicle ways and start
crediting his sources!
Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2004 21:04:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: "In Sanious"
Subject: Halliburton Harvesting Organs of Dead Soldiers and Dead Iraqis?
Audience Relations
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
P.O. Box 500 Station A
Toronto, ON M5W 1E6
This is how they make money off the war immediately
and no one has ever talked about it. (A rock star who
cannot be named).
They can probably take it to any country they want, so
if there is socialized medicine, there's Halliburton.
What is the waiting list?
How many people do we actually lose here in America
because people in America don't have the "cash ready"
Check out
Organ Cash & Carry = Cheney OC&C= Cheney
This administration is lying as quick as they can.
They are trying to do all they can to turn John F.
Kerry's name to smut.
Remember the Mad Magazine picture of Lyndon Johnson
with the caption: "War is good business. Invest your
son." Dick Cheney has taken it to an entirely new
level. Your son is worth more money dead than alive.
Soylent Green? Halliburton doesn't feel guilty, hell,
they recycle their own employees? "Even death cannot
free these poor people" says the rock star on the
phone "As a matter of fact they cost $ . per pound
More interesting reading:
In an e-mail to journalist John
Kaminski, author of The Day America Died (Sisyphus
Press) and
America’s Autopsy Report
(Dandelion Books),
Add to this. BLOG this. This is what the Bush
Administration is probably up to. Why else do they
want the caskets kept out of sight? Who is inspecting
the bodies to know they are intact?
Exhume the bodies!
Exhume the soldiers!